Recently I gave the talk about VIPER arhitecture for iOS applications at a local meetup. Slides are available here and blog post will follow soon.
Scheduling repetitive task on Android
There is a task that needs to be repeated every N seconds. Might be even an interview question to see what options person would consider. With no other requirements or restrictions given, here is what pops up in my mind:
Throttling bandwidth for Android app on physical device
The other day I needed to throttle (limit bandwidth) of video streaming application on Android for testing purposes. iPhone has this feature built in since iOS6.
Fragments. Retaining state and objects.
There is a lot of good stuff written already about Activity and Fragment lifecycle and how to manage state and object retaining properly. So following is just a recap for future myself, rather than a tutorial.
Let's take a look at Activities and their destiny. There are 3 cases when and how activity can be destroyed.